Cloudera Enterprise 5.15.x | Other versions

Installing and Managing the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard

Installing and Enabling the Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

  Note: Your installation must have a Cloudera Enterprise license installed to use this feature. See Managing Licenses.

You can install the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard in either Hosted or Dedicated mode. (See Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard Modes.

Hosted Mode Installation

Hosted mode uses an existing installation of Cloudera Manager that manages one or more clusters to also display the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager instance as a user with Administrator privileges.
  2. Select Administration > Settings.
  3. Under Category, select Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.
  4. Select the Enable Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard property.
  5. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
You can now access the Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard at the following URL:

Dedicated Mode Installation

To install Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard in Dedicated mode, you install Cloudera Manager on a single sever using the Installation Wizard, but you do not install CDH and other services.

  1. Install Cloudera Manager using one of the procedures described in Installing Cloudera Manager and CDH.
  2. Use a web browser to open the Installation Wizard by logging in to the Cloudera Manager instance at http://<Cloudera Manager Server Host>:7180. Use the default credentials: Username: admin Password: admin.
  3. Select a Cloudera edition.
      Note: Your installation must have a Cloudera Enterprise license installed to use this feature. See Managing Licenses.
  4. Click Continue.

    The Thank You for choosing Cloudera Manager and CDH notice appears.

  5. Click the ClouderaManager logo to open the Home page.
  6. Select Administration > Settings.
  7. Under Category, select Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.
  8. Select the Enable Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard property.
  9. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  10. Log in as root to the host where the Cloudera Manager Server is running.
  11. Open /etc/default/cloudera-scm-server in a text editor and append the following line to the end of the file:
  12. Restart Cloudera Manager on the host where the Cloudera Manager Server is running, using the following command:
    service cloudera-scm-server restart
      Note: If you restart Cloudera Manager without having installed a Cloudera Enterprise license, the restart will fail. To recover, disable Dedicated mode, install the license, reenable Dedicated mode, and restart Cloudera Manager Server.
You can now access the Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard at the following URL:

Adding, Editing, or Deleting a Cloudera Manager Instance to Display on the Dashboard

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

To select the Cloudera Manager instances that manage cluster(s) you want to monitor using the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard, specify a name, URL, and credentials for each instance, using the steps in this section.Cloudera Manager instances monitored by the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard must be version 5.5.0 or higher.

Adding a Cloudera Manager to the Dashboard

  1. Open the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.
  2. Select the Add Cloudera Managers tab.
  3. Click Add Cloudera Manager.

    The Add Cloudera Manager screen displays.

  4. Enter a descriptive name for the Cloudera Manager in the Cloudera Manager Name field.
  5. Enter the URL of the Cloudera Manager in the Cloudera Manager URL field.
  6. Select one of the following options for Credentials:
    • Create a New Account - Creates a new account on the Cloudera Manager instance. If you select this option, enter administrative credentials for the Cloudera Manager instance. The Cloudera Manager instance uses these credentials to create a new, internal account, and the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard uses this new account to access monitoring data from Cloudera Manager. The username for this account is not available and is not required. You can use this option to keep access to from the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard to the Cloudera Manager instance isolated from changes in the administrative user's credentials.
    • Use an Existing Account - Uses the credentials you provide to access monitoring data from the Cloudera Manager instance. If you select this option, enter read-only credentials for the Cloudera Manager instance.
  7. Click Add Cloudera Manager.

    The Cloudera Managers tab displays a line containing the Cloudera Manager instance you just added.

  8. Click Test Connectivity to make sure you can connect to the Cloudera Manager instance using the URL and credentials you provided. If the test fails, click Edit to modify the connection parameters. If the connection is correct, you can click the URL to open the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
  9. Click Add Cloudera Manager again to add additional Cloudera Manager instances.

Deleting a Cloudera Manager Instance from the Dashboard

  1. Open the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.
  2. Select the Cloudera Managers tab.
  3. Click Delete in the row containing the Cloudera Manager instance you want to delete.

Editing a Cloudera Manager on the Dashboard

  1. Open the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.
  2. Select the Cloudera Managers tab.
  3. Click Edit in the row containing the Cloudera Manager instance you want to edit.
  4. Make the desired changes.
  5. Click Update Cloudera Manager.

Managing Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard Users

Adding an Internal User Account

  1. Select Administration > Users.
  2. Click the Add User button.
  3. Enter a username and password.
  4. In the Role drop-down menu, select a role for the new user.
  5. Click Add.

Assigning User Roles

  1. Select Administration > Users.
  2. Check the checkbox next to one or more usernames.
  3. Select Actions for Selected > Assign User Roles.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select the role.
  5. Click the Assign Role button.

User Roles for the Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard

The valid User Roles for the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard are:
  • Read-Only
    • View configuration and monitoring information in Cloudera Manager.
    • View service and monitoring information.
    • View events and logs.
    • View replication jobs and snapshot policies.
    • View YARN applications and Impala queries.
    The Read-Only role does not allow the user to:
    • Add services or take any actions that affect the state of the cluster.
    • Use the HDFS file browser.
    • Use the HBase table browser.
    • Use the Solr Collection Statistics browser.
  • User Administrator
    • View configuration and monitoring information in Cloudera Manager.
    • View service and monitoring information.
    • Manage user accounts and configuration of external authentication.
    • Use the HDFS file browser, the HBase table browser, and the Solr Collection browser.
    • Perform the same tasks as the Read-Only role.
  • Full Administrator - Full Administrators have permissions to view all data and do all actions, including reconfiguring and restarting services, and administering other users.

Viewing User Sessions

  1. Select Administration > Users.
  2. Click the tab User Sessions.

Managing Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard Profiles

On the Status tab, each row displays aggregated monitoring information for each Cloudera Manager instance you have added and for each cluster managed by those instances. You can define custom Profiles to define the information that displays on each row on the Status tab. A separate set of custom profiles are maintained for each Cloudera Manager user. Custom profiles are not visible to other users.

The following profiles are available to all users by default:
  • Physical
  • HDFS
  • YARN

Continue reading:

Adding a Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard Profile

To add a profile:
  1. Select the Profiles tab.
  2. Click Add Profile. (You can also duplicate an existing profile by clicking the icon next to the profile name and selecting Duplicate.)

    The Add Profile dialog box displays.

  3. Enter a name for the profile.

    The new profile is added to the list of profiles, and the configuration for the new profile displays.

  4. Select the columns and metrics you want to display for this profile by selecting any of the following:
  5. To use the new profile on the dashboard, click Activate next to the Profile name.

    You can also select the active profile on the Status tab. Select a profile from the drop-down Profile button located on the right of the Status tab, above the list of Cloudera Manager instances.

Editing a Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard Profile

To edit a profile:
  1. Select the Profiles tab.
  2. Click the name of the profile you want to edit.
  3. Change the profile as needed.

To see your changes, activate the profile by clicking the drop-down arrow next to its name and selecting Activate.

Deleting a Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard Profile

To delete a profile:
  1. Select the Profiles tab.
  2. Click the icon next to the Profile name.
  3. Select Delete.

Configuring Metrics to Display on the Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

The Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard has a number of default queries you can use to display metrics. See Multi Cloudera Manager Status Dashboard Metrics.

You can also create custom queries by using the tsquery Language to write queries on data from the Cloudera Manager time-series datastore. Queries must return a single stream for display in the Multi Cloudera Manager Dashboard.

Adding a Custom Metric

To add a metric that displays on the Status tab:
  1. Select the Profiles tab.
  2. Click Configure Metrics.
  3. In the Aggregate Metrics area, click a icon to add a new metric beneath the current metric.

    A dialog box to define a new metric displays.

  4. Enter a name for the metric in the Name field.
  5. Enter a tsquery statement in the Query field.
  6. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  7. Click the Profiles tab.
  8. Select a profile.
  9. Locate the new metric in the list of metrics.
  10. Select Show Column, Show Filter, or Expand Filter as desired.

Editing a Metric

  1. Select the Profiles tab.
  2. Click Configure Metrics.
  3. Expand the query you want to edit by clicking the icon.
  4. Change the query statement or the name of the metric.
  5. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.

Deleting a Metric

  1. Select the Profiles tab.
  2. Click Configure Metrics.
  3. Click the icon in the row containing the query you want to delete.
  4. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
Page generated May 18, 2018.