Cloudera Enterprise 5.15.x | Other versions

Ports Used by Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Navigator

The following diagram provides an overview of the ports used by Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Navigator, and Cloudera Management Service roles:

For further details, see the following table. All ports listed are TCP.
Component Service Port Access Requirement Configuration Comment
Cloudera Manager Server HTTP (Web UI) 7180 External Administration > Settings > Ports and Addresses  
  HTTPS (Web UI) 7183 External   Used for HTTPS on master, if enabled. HTTP is the default; port 7180 is open, but is redirected to port 7183.
  Avro (RPC) 7182 Internal   Used for Agent to Server heartbeats
  PostgreSQL  database managed by cloudera-scm-server-db service 7432 Internal   The optional embedded PostgreSQL database used for storing configuration information for Cloudera Manager Server.
  Peer-to-peer parcel distribution 4443, 7190, 7191 Internal Hosts > All Hosts > Configuration > P2P Parcel Distribution Port Used to distribute parcels to cluster hosts during installation and upgrade operations.
Cloudera  Manager Agent HTTP (Debug) 9000 Internal
  Internal supervisord localhost: 19001 localhost   supervisord status and control port; used for communication between the Agent and supervisord; only open internally (on localhost)
Event Server Listens for the publication of events. 7184 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listens for queries for events. 7185 Internal    
  HTTP (Debug) 8084 Internal   Allows access to debugging and diagnostic information
Alert Publisher Internal API 10101 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
Service Monitor HTTP (Debug) 8086 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listening for Agent messages (private protocol) 9997 Internal    
  Internal query API (Avro) 9996 Internal    
Activity Monitor HTTP (Debug) 8087 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listening for Agent messages (private protocol) 9999 Internal    
  Internal query API (Avro) 9998 Internal    
Host Monitor HTTP (Debug) 8091 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listening for Agent messages (private protocol) 9995 Internal    
  Internal query API (Avro) 9994 Internal    
Reports Manager Queries (Thrift) 5678 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  HTTP (Debug) 8083 Internal    
Cloudera Navigator       Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
Audit Server  HTTP 7186 Internal    
  HTTP (Debug) 8089 Internal   The port where Navigator Audit Server runs a debug web server. Set to -1 to disable debug server.
Metadata Server HTTP (Web UI) 7187 External    
Task Tracker Plug-in (used for activity monitoring) HTTP (Debug) localhost: 4867 localhost   Used only on localhost interface by monitoring agent
Backup and Disaster Recovery HTTP (Web UI) 7180 External Administration > Settings > Ports and Addresses Used for communication to peer (source) Cloudera Manager.
  HDFS NameNode 8020 External HDFS > Configuration > Ports and Addresses > NameNode Port HDFS and Hive/Impala replication: communication from destination HDFS and MapReduce hosts to source HDFS NameNode(s). Hive/Impala Replication: communication from source Hive hosts to destination HDFS NameNode(s).
  HDFS DataNode 50010 External HDFS > Configuration > Ports and Addresses > DataNode Transceiver Port HDFS and Hive/Impala replication: communication from destination HDFS and MapReduce hosts to source HDFS DataNode(s). Hive/Impala Replication: communication from source Hive hosts to destination HDFS DataNode(s).
Page generated May 18, 2018.